Monday, September 28, 2009

I'd rather ride you than Yoshi, anyday!

Pick up lines..... utilized by those who are not creative, mastered by those who are desperate.

The catch is that the reputation towards these witty remarks resulted in the creation of a stigma, in which any girl associates pick up lines, with sleaziness. Its a 50/50 chance that the pick up line will actually catch a smile, or a frown from the potential victim. Even if you are lucky enough to catch a smile, it is soon lost when the girl realizes that you ACTUALLY just used a pick up line....too desperate to debate if you are questionably questionable or not...
Atlas, one brave soul broke the glass hovering over the delicate initiation of a first time conversation to show interest. Against the usual boy meets girl this individual flipped it to girl meets boy. Guys have out used pick up lines, and the women are now scrambling to pick up where you left off, but put a little Martha Stewart on it, and make it as she would say "a good thing".
The action recognized today as being random and full of awesomeness is by an individual who wishes to remain anonymous. Mainly because I do not want people thinking I actually did this....But yes, its anonymous....
I worked at a restaurant once, people find that sometimes the best way to communicate to your server is writing a lovely note on the receipt, or to leave a hefty tip. One time a server actually got a $6.66 tip on bill that was over $200. The message was very clear. It's always hard to tell if the server was truly genuine in friendliness, or if a waiter was too friendly because they thought you were cute. The only way to find out if they actually thought you were interesting, is to leave a phone number. Yes it does borderline creepy, and is pushy, over does it, and some will say is desperate. BUT they have clearly never seen the way that the waiter was forcing eye contact all night from across the room.
Cleverly, I remembered the lessons from Cosmo Girl. They told you that women in this generation should be more forward, make the first move. "Its okay to grab his hand first". Considering my over spoken mouth, and beer consumption, leaving a phone number in written form seemed better then getting rejected in person.
So i did it, I left my number on a receipt.
So what? Whats the big deal? Plenty of people do that all the time.
Yes, I do agree, alot of people do do this, and very often do not receive a call back. But I did not do it actually thinking that the waiter would dial my number anxiously as soon as his shift was over. I did it, for the PINK, and the Pikachu.
I hoped that my art work would appeal the most to him. So I drew a Pikachu character, how cute! I KNOW! Not only was this Pikachu character similar, but he spoke, in words that I could not express myself.
My pick up line was .....
followed by the digits
If that doesn't turn someone on, then I give up here and now. I surrender forever to the hopelessness that surrounds fate and falling in love. But then again, maybe it DID work.
If you want to know if I got a call, then ask. But I'll expose the answer only to those people. Some will never know if the triumphant lady pick up line worked. Twisted, but truthful. I encourage all to partake in at least one character drawing on a receipt, or clever pick up line. Do as my mom says and "grow some balls".
It was random, thanks to the few sips of liquid courage, and full of awesomeness only because it was Pikachu.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Power of Pan

I hereby dedicate the first charge of random act of awesomeness to my very guilty room mate, Kerry McCarthy. Kerry, despite the social conventions chained to her, remembered the valuable dissipating lesson of the pan, which is awesome.

Adulthood often is characterized by the ability to become stable, and "on your feet." I think during the growing up process we recognize that we are getting older, and we cannot help this. But the power of the pan, is remembering to never forget the beauty of your significant childhood lessons. Peter Pan taught us that thinking happy thoughts and believing in your imagination will lift you from reality, bending rules of gravity, and that you can if you think fly.

It was a rainy day (of course), the concert was crowded with teens smelling of b.o, weed, cigarrette smoke, and the basic lingering odor of adolescent sweat. Bumpershoot specifically welcomes and initates many teens into music culture. They are the music, pulsating as one heart beat, in a sea of many nodding heads. Star struck eyes, lock forward in an existential focus on the stage. Blinking once could mean missing, a direct smile from the artist, or the shirt that they throw into the abyss of empty raised hands. I dare you to try and walk too close to the front and block the peripheral view of a fan who has been standing there for hours before the show started.
Kerry was bold when she chose to disrupt this zombie drool and fly in the limbo of infants, to perform what is commonly called a crowd surf. If no one thinks this is dangerous, then you have obviously never gotten hit in the back of the head with the heavy weight of a falling crowd surfer. It hurts.
She dangerously trusted the fingertips of the kids below her, and through their strength, the happy thought of not falling and smashing her skull kept her body high. It is a task that few are brave enough to actually follow through with.

She did not have a plan, she was aimless, unknowing to the consequences that could follow, or the injuries. For this reason, her act is proved to be random.

However, the lesson to be learned is from Kerry herself. We must remember that even though adulthood means you need to act a certain way, by choosing to listen to your inner pan, it can bring just minutes of pure awesomeness.

Kerry McCarthy is hereby committed of one count of random act of awesomeness to the first degree. May you remain awesome.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

What are Random Acts of Awesomeness?

According to the reliable awesomeness is defined as : the state of being beyond cool, but not quite righteous or gnarly. It has been my experience that awesomeness is random, it does not choose who or when to expose itself. But there are, however, few who are guilty of committing random acts of awesomeness on a daily basis. Those who partake aknowledge the power and joy of trusting your first instinct, which is, awesome.

This blog, will include but not be limited to capturing those simple acts, in an html form. May you all act awesome.